10 km race and half-marathon in Graz (Austria)

06.03.05: Graz läutet das neue Laufjahr ein mit einem Halbmarathon und 10 km Lauf. 6th MARCH 05: GRAZ rings in this years running season with a half-marathon and a 10 km race. (Deutsch & English)

Das Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Österreich hat dem Winterspeck den Kampf angesagt und veranstaltete am 06. März einen 10 km Lauf und einen Halbmarathon in Graz. Im Bild rechts sehen Sie die Sieger des Halbmarathons. Mit der Sonne im Herzen und der Sonnenbrille auf der Nase [gegen Schneeblindheit :-) ] erfreuten sich die tapferen Teilnehmer der guten Stimmung des Laufes und loteten am Beginn der neuen Laufsaison ihr Startkapital aus. Die Ergebnisse dieses Rennens lassen erste Prognosen zu für die weiteren Wettkämpfe der Läufer im heurigen Laufjahr.

Mit Dehydrierung hatten lediglich die zugefrorenen Wasserhähne zu kämpfen. Die Läufer hingegen liefen Spitzenzeiten und freuten sich über den gelungenen Saisonsauftakt.

Andreas Tscherne (im Bild links) vom Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Graz belegte den dritten Platz im Halbmarathon in einer ausgezeichneten Zeit von 1:30:15.

Noch mehr Bilder von den Teilnehmern finden sie hier:

Die Ergebnisse einsehen können Sie auf der Seite des SCMT Österreich: Ergebnisse


The Austrian Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team declared war on the extra pounds gained during winter time by organizing a 10 km race as well as a half-marathon in Graz on March 6th. The picture on the right shows the winners of the half-marathon. The brave runners enjoyed the good atmosphere at the race, although the sun was shining mainly inside their hearts. Sunglasses were used only to prevent snow blindness. Because of the weather dehydration was not an issue except for the frozen water fountains. We hope that this race, right at the beginning of the running season, will help the runners to asses their current standard in order to best prepare for this year's races. The runners gave excellent performances and were satisfied and happy with the successful start of the season. Andreas Tscherne (picture on the left), member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Graz, came in third at the half-marathon with a time of 1:30:15. Congratulations! More pictures of the participants can be fewed under:

The Austrian Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team declared war on the extra pounds gained during winter time by organizing a 10 km race as well as a half-marathon in Graz on March 6th. The picture on the right shows the winners of the half-marathon. The brave runners enjoyed the good atmosphere at the race, although the sun was shining mainly inside their hearts. Sunglasses were used only to prevent snow blindness. Because of the weather dehydration was not an issue except for the frozen water fountains. We hope that this race, right at the beginning of the running season, will help the runners to asses their current standard in order to best prepare for this year's races. The runners gave excellent performances and were satisfied and happy with the successful start of the season. Andreas Tscherne (picture on the left), member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Graz, came in third at the half-marathon with a time of 1:30:15. Congratulations! More pictures of the participants can be fewed under: